Incorrect dental alignment may have an effect on your appearance. Nevertheless, teeth straightening has benefits that extend beyond merely a beautiful smile. Professional teeth alignment improves your oral hygiene, dental health, self-esteem, and chewing abilities. The following are some of the benefits of straightening your teeth:
Enhance Your Oral Health
Cleaning misaligned teeth can be very problematic. This can lead to other dental problems, such as tooth decay and abnormalities in teeth enamel. Teeth straightening corrects not only misaligned teeth (also known as malocclusion) but also improve oral health. Teeth that are crowded or crooked collect a lot of germs compromising your oral health. Well-aligned teeth are more fun and efficient to brush and floss.
Improves Your Appearance
Your teeth determine how you look. A beautiful smile and a stunning set of teeth can substantially improve your appearance. You may feel uncomfortable and self-conscious if you have crowded or protruding outward teeth. Your confidence can also be affected significantly. Orthodontic treatment, often known as teeth straightening using braces or other gadgets, can rearrange your teeth and improve the appearance of your smile.
Improves Your Speech and Chewing
The American Association of Orthodontists says you may have chewing and talking problems due to poor lower and upper jaw alignment. Because of this problem, the structural tissues, such as bones and gum tissue, may become overstretched. Straightening your teeth will help you to solve some of these issues and, as a result, enhance your speech and chewing abilities.
Increases Self-confidence
Confidence is crucial since it can make or destroy someone. Individuals with crooked teeth are sad and miserable. They are ineffective and unappealing. These people will spend most of their time alone. Teeth straightening will automatically improve your smile and boost your confidence. Consequently, your life will change, and you will become happier and more self-assured. You will then have the courage to go out and enjoy life because you believe they have been reborn.
About Us • Raleigh Family Ortho Learn more about Dr. Lee & Dr. Neill, their Raleigh dental practice, and some basic information about orthodontics. Call us today to schedule! Raleigh Family Orthodontics, 9201 Leesville Rd STE 160, Raleigh, NC 27613 : (984) 254-0585 : : 1/17/2025 : Page Phrases: orthodontist RALEIGH NC :