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Photo of 5 retainers and model of teethMost people think orthodontic treatment is over after they get their braces off or finish their series of aligner trays. However, keeping your teeth in their proper position is just as important as moving them there. For this reason, the use of a retainer after your treatment is complete is crucial.

At Raleigh Family Orthodontics, we specialize in the three types of retainers. We typically fabricate a retainer immediately following the removal of your braces or the completion of your clear aligners. Our orthodontists can review your options, answer any questions, and help you choose the appropriate appliance.

Hawley Retainer

The oldest and most common type of retainer is the "Hawley." The Hawley retainer consists of an acrylic base with a metal wire that sits against your front teeth. The acrylic base also has metal clasps that hook around your back teeth to hold the retainer in place. A Hawley retainer can be used for the upper and lower arches, depending on your situation.

We take an impression of your teeth and gums to ensure your Hawley retainer is comfortable and effective. Because this custom-fit retainer is removable, your dedication to treatment is paramount. With the proper care and maintenance, your Hawley retainer should last for many years.

Clear Plastic Retainer

A clear plastic retainer is also a removable retainer. This option has become increasingly popular in recent years. The retainer is similar to a clear aligner, in that it is highly discreet. Most people will not notice you have your retainer in unless you point it out.

Unlike clear aligners, a plastic retainer will not apply pressure to your teeth. Instead, it is designed to fit precisely over your teeth and maximize comfort. While they are not as durable as Hawley retainers, many people find their comfort and discretion very appealing.

Fixed Bonded Retainer

A fixed bonded retainer, as the name suggests, is a non-removable appliance. This type of retainer typically consists of a thin wire that is bonded directly to the back surfaces of your anterior (front) teeth. In most cases, a fixed bonded retainer is used to retain the teeth in the bottom arch.

We may recommend a fixed bonded retainer if you are at a higher risk for your teeth shifting back to their original position. Because it is bonded to the back of your teeth, a fixed retainer is also very discreet. We recommend keeping your fixed retainer bonded to your teeth as long as possible.

Maintaining Your Retainer

At first, you may be asked to wear your retainer close to full time. After a few months, you should be able to wear it only at night, unless we tell you otherwise. To increase the longevity of your appliance, be sure to implement proper care and maintenance.

Keep your retainer in its case when you are not wearing it. Keeping it anywhere else is a good way to damage or lose it. We will give you cleaning instructions before you leave our office. Without regular cleanings, your retainer could collect harmful bacteria that can affect your oral health. Talk with us to learn more about retainer maintenance.

FAQ's About Retainers

How long do I need to wear a retainer?

The duration for wearing a retainer varies depending on the individual case. Initially, retainers are typically worn full-time for a few months, then gradually reduced to nighttime use. Some patients may need to wear their retainers at night indefinitely to ensure their teeth remain in the desired position.

How should I clean my retainer?

To clean a removable retainer, brush it gently with a toothbrush and mild soap or non-abrasive toothpaste. Avoid using hot water as it can warp the retainer. Soaking the retainer in a retainer cleaning solution or a mixture of water and vinegar can also help keep it clean. Fixed retainers require regular brushing and flossing to remove plaque and food particles.

What should I do if my retainer breaks or is lost?

If your retainer breaks or is lost, contact your orthodontist as soon as possible. Continuing to wear a broken retainer can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Your orthodontist will arrange for a replacement retainer to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

Can I eat while wearing my retainer?

It is recommended to remove removable retainers while eating to prevent damage and to keep them clean. Eating with a retainer in place can cause food particles to get trapped and increase the risk of breakage. Fixed retainers do not need to be removed, but it is important to clean them thoroughly after eating.

How often should I visit the orthodontist after getting a retainer?

Regular follow-up visits with your orthodontist are important to monitor the fit of your retainer and the position of your teeth. Initially, you may need to visit every few months. Over time, the frequency of visits will decrease, but it is still important to attend annual check-ups to ensure your teeth remain in the correct position.

Can I wear my retainer during sports or physical activities?

It is generally recommended to remove removable retainers during contact sports or physical activities to prevent damage or injury. For non-contact activities, you can wear your retainer, but always follow your orthodontist's advice. If you participate in contact sports, consider wearing a mouthguard to protect your teeth and retainer.

Will my retainer affect my speech?

Initially, wearing a retainer may affect your speech as your mouth adjusts to the appliance. You might experience slight changes in pronunciation or a lisp. However, with regular wear and practice, your speech should return to normal as you get used to the retainer.

Can I wear my retainer while sleeping?

Yes, wearing your retainer while sleeping is essential to maintain the position of your teeth. Most orthodontists recommend wearing retainers at night to prevent teeth from shifting. Follow your orthodontist's instructions regarding the duration and frequency of retainer wear to ensure the best results.

Schedule an Appointment in Raleigh, NC Today!

To learn more about our orthodontic treatment call (984) 254-0585, and schedule an appointment today!
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Retainers Raleigh NC
Visit our Retainers webpage for an in-depth description of the types we offer: Hawley, clear plastic, & fixed bonded. Call us today to schedule!
Raleigh Family Orthodontics, 9201 Leesville Rd STE 160, Raleigh, NC 27613; (984) 254-0585;; 9/27/2024; Associated Words: orthodontist RALEIGH NC;